Houston Area Rugby

unnamed (6)

Player of the Month

Be highlighted by your outstanding work in the community by the Houston SaberCats as the Player of the Month!

Fox Young
Cypress Warrior Rugby
How long have you played rugby: 3 years
Favorite thing about playing rugby: That as a big guy playing a sport, I still get plenty of ball time and the chance to score!
Favorite rugby player: It’s hard to choose just one, but I would say Dominic Akina because I love watching his speed on the pitch.
Fun Fact: One of my favorite hobbies is filming and editing videos.

Rugby Clubs / Schools
Website & Contact Information

Keep up to date with the latest news from the entire rugby community in the greater Houston area. Become part of the community today by contacting any of the programs listed below to begin your journey or continue your rugby career.

Youth – High School

Woodlands Youth Rugby

Website: www.woodlandsyouthrugby.com
Club President: Mandy Scharffenorth
Email: president@woodlandsyouthrugby.com

Instagram: @woodlandsrugby.youth


Website: https://spartansrugby.org/
Club President: Joe Olivas
Phone: 713-283-4210
Email: brazoriaspartans@gmail.com
Instagram: @spartans_youth_rugby_club & @spartansgirlsrugby

West Houston Lions

Website: www.westhoustonrugby.com/
Club Secretary / Team Coordinator: Natasha Lord
Email: natasha.lord@westhoustonrugby.com
Instagram: @west_houston_rugby

Cypress Warriors

Website: www.cypressrugby.com
Contact: Ceri Davies
Email: info@cypressrugby.com
Instagram: @cypwarriors

Barbarians Rugby Club

Website: www.barbariansrc.com
Club President: Rick Marshall
Phone: 281-389-9620
Email: rick.marshall01@gmail.com
Instagram: @barbarians_rc

Falcon Youth Rugby

Website: www.falconyouthrugby.org
Club President: Bryan Siltanen
Phone: 832-244-4475
Email: falconyouthrugby@outlook.com
Instagram: @falconyouthrugby

Kingwood Rugby Club

Club President: Harve Hulett
Email: hhulett2008@gmail.com
Instagram: @kingwoodrugby

School Rugby Teams

The Regis School

(PreK-8th grade)
Coach: Gary Holub
Email: gholub@theregisschool.org

Western Academy

(PreK- 8th grade)
Coach: Edmund DeJarnette
Email: neddejarnette@gmail.com

H.C.Y.A. Raptors

(Homeschool Christian Youth Associaction Ages10-18)
Website: www.hcya.org/rugby
Contact: Gambrill Wagner
Email: rugby@hcya.org

St. Thomas High School

Director: James Wolfinger “Wolfie”
Email: James.wolfinger@sths.org
Instagram: @sth_rugby

St.Pius X High School

Coach: Mitch Damm
Email: rugbydamm@yahoo.com
Instagram: @stpiusxrugby

Strake Jesuit College Preparatory

Coach: Jason Kimball
Email: jkimball@strakejesuit.org
Instagram: @strakejesuitrugby

Lamar High School

Coach: Brandon Bibby
Email: b.bibby451@gmail.com

Memorial High School

Coach: Nelson Lee

College Teams

Sam Houston State Rugby

Website: www.shsurugby.com
Head Coach: Ramon Serrano
Email: reserrano123@gmail.com
Instagram: @shsurugby & @samhoustonwomensrugby

Rice Rugby

Website: www.ricemrugby.org
President: Xander Abbott
Email: ada5@rice.edu
Instagram: @ricerugby

University of Houston Rugby

Captian: Christian Glover
Email: cglover10255@gmail.com
Instagram: @uhrugby

University of Houston Rugby Womens

Contact: Hannah Sauber
Email: hsauber@CougarNet.UH.EDU

A&M Rugby

Instagram: @aggierugbyfc
Facebook: Texas A&M Men’s Rugby Club

A&M Prairie View Rugby

Instagram: @pvamu.rugby

Men & Women Clubs

Arrows Rugby Club

Website: www.arrowsrugby.com
Club President: Adam Smyth
Email: president@arrowsrugby.com

BARC (Bay Area Rugby Club)

Website: www.bayarearugby.com
President: Jeff Wegman
Email: jeffery.wegman@lubrizol.com

HARC (Houston Athletic Rugby Club)

Website: www.houston.rugby
Club President: Robert Newton
Email: president@houstonrugby.org

Chupacabras Men’s Club

Houston United Rugby Team

Club President: Eron Terry

Space City Rugby (LGBTQ+ Friendly)

Galveston Ball Rugby Club