SaberCats Stadium

SaberCats Stadium is a multi-sport and events venue located in the Houston Sports Park complex south of downtown Houston.

Stadium Directions

SaberCats Stadium Is Located 15 Minutes South Of Downtown Houston At The Airport Blvd Exit From State Highway 288.

Address: 2055 Mowery Rd, Houston, TX 77045


There Is Parking For 1,200 Vehicles.


Sabercats Stadium Is Open During Regular Business Hours And Events.


Top Cat VIP
Premium West
Try Zone South
Try Zone North
Wing West
East Sideline

SaberCats Stadium Policies

  • $Bags and strollers are subject to search
  • $No outside food or drink
  • $No oversized bags
  • $No large camera or video equipment without a media pass

ALCOHOL: Guests are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages into or out of SaberCat’s Stadium. The only alcohol permitted on the premises must be purchased and/or dispensed by authorized servers. Texas State Law prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 21. No one under 21 is permitted to consume alcoholic beverages inside the SaberCat’s Stadium. Alcoholic beverage sales will be stopped at the discretion of the facility.

ANIMALS: No animals are permitted with the exception of service dogs with proper documentation.

BAG POLICY: Bags will be checked by security prior to entering SaberCat’s Stadium.

BICYCLES: Bicycles are not permitted inside SaberCat’s Stadium.

CAMERAS/VIDEO RECORDING: Cameras and video recorders are permitted inside SaberCat’s Stadium so long as it does not interfere with other fans watching the game. However, guests may not reproduce the game without the
expressed written consent of the Houston SaberCats.

CATERING & CONCESSIONS:  Our concession stands do sell food items with common allergens (peanuts, dairy, wheat etc.) If you have food allergies, please contact the Front Office to ensure we are able to accommodate your need to restrict contact with any specific allergens.

CONDUCT & LANGUAGE: The Houston SaberCats intend to provide our guests with a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable atmosphere. Therefore, SaberCat’s Stadium has established the following rules for expected guest conduct. Guests appearing impaired / intoxicated will be ejected from the stadium. Guests who enter the playing field or interfere with the play of a game will be ejected from the stadium and are subject to arrest. Guests interfering with another guest’s ability to enjoy the game are subject to be re-located within the stadium or subject to ejection. Guests shall not direct any abusive language or behavior towards players, coaches, referees, or other spectators. Management reserves the right to remove those individuals using abusive language from the stadium at their discretion.

LOST CHILDREN: Should you lose your child (or if your children lose you) during the game, immediately contact the nearest usher, the Security Guard, the Police Officer, the main gate staff.

LOST & FOUND: Lost and found is located at the Ticket Office. If you have lost an item at the stadium, please call 832-365-4752 to report the missing item or pick up the item during normal business hours.

NON-STADIUM FOOD & DRINK: No bottles, cans, food, beverages or containers may be brought into the stadium with the exception of one (1) sealed plastic bottle of non-flavored water no larger than 16 oz. per person.

PARKING: Parking for all Houston SaberCats games at SaberCat’s Stadium is $12.50, Credit Card Only.

POLICE: For the safety of our guests, police are on site at every SaberCat’s game. If you have an emergency requiring police assistance, please contact the nearest SaberCat’s staff member.

PROHIBITED BEHAVIOR: The following actions and behavior are violations of the Guest Code of Conduct and are prohibited:

  • Acting in a manner that is unruly, disruptive, and/or illegal.
  • Displaying inconsiderate, vulgar, threatening, bullying, abusive, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate behavior toward SaberCats staff and/or other guests.
  • Using foul/abusive language and/or making obscene or derogatory gestures.
  • Displaying obscene, indecent, and/or inappropriate clothing.
  • Displaying profane or inflammatory images or language.
  • Intentionally placing, dropping, tossing, or hurling any substance or object onto the playing field.
  • Interference with the progress of the game.
  • Going onto the playing field.
  • Intentionally making physical contact with a sports participant.
  • Fighting, taunting, or making threatening gestures.
  • Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes.
  • Damaging or attempting to damage the stadium and/or its contents or property.
  • Possessing or using illegal drugs or abusing prescription drugs.
  • Obstructing the view of other guests with excessive standing.
  • Sitting or standing on seat backs, standing on seats, or stepping over/on seats.
  • Standing or sitting in the walkways, aisles, or ramps.
  • Throwing or kicking objects.

PROHIBITED ITEMS: Fans are prohibited from bringing the following items into SaberCats Stadium:

  • Aerosol cans
  • Alcohol
  • Animals (except for service animals)
  • Banners may not obstruct the view of other patrons or interfere with the game in any way.
  • No signs may be affixed to the stadium
  • Beverages & containers other than factory-sealed plastic water bottles 16oz or less
  • Clothing deemed obscene or indecent
  • Coolers of any kind including hard sided, soft-sided, and Styrofoam coolers
  • Costumes / Costume masks
  • Drones
  • Fireworks
  • Hover boards and other personal recreational devices
  • Inflatables (i.e. beach balls, basketballs, balloons)
  • Illegal drugs
  • Laser pointers
  • Luggage
  • Skateboards, roller skates, roller shoes, bicycles
  • Weapons – including but not limited to firearms, knives, mace
  • Any item deemed to be inappropriate, hazardous, or distasteful

PROHIBITED LANGUAGE: Derogatory language, whether spoken or written, regarding race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual preference, or national origin is prohibited. Such language, whether directed at fans, players, refs, or other team members or personnel, is inexcusable, unacceptable, and inconsistent with the spirit of the game of rugby. Vulgar, threatening, bullying, abusive, or offensive language is similarly prohibited. Any guest who violates the Code of Conduct will be subject to immediate ejection as well as possible arrest and prosecution. To report a violation of the Code of Conduct, please contact a SaberCats Staff member immediately.

RE-ENTRY: As part of the SaberCats ongoing commitment to the safety of all fans, there is no re-entry into the stadium once the game begins.

SECURITY: Security officers and uniformed personnel are stationed throughout the stadium during all events. In the case of a security incident, immediately notify a uniformed member of the SaberCats staff or a Shield security officer. Uniformed police officers will be on hand before, during and after every SaberCats home game to assist in fan, player and staff safety matters.

SMOKING: In consideration of the health and comfort of others, SaberCats Stadium is a smoke-free facility (including both smoking and vaping).

TAILGAITING: Tailgating is permitted in the parking lot. No food or drink may be brought into the stadium. When tailgating, you must purchase each spot you plan to use. If you have two spots in use, you must purchase two spots. Vehicles and tailgating activity may not interfere with vehicles moving around or pedestrians. Activities in tailgating may not be conducted outside the boundaries of the purchased spots.

UMBRELLAS: Standard size umbrellas are allowed in the stadium for rain events so long as the use of the umbrella does not obstruct the view of another guest trying to watch the game.

VISITING TEAM FANS: Visiting team fans are our guests! Harassment of the visiting team or their fans will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from SaberCats Stadium.

WEAPONS: Weapons of any kind are prohibited inside the stadium. Guests who are found in violation will be subject to removal from the stadium and possible arrest. The only exception is law enforcement personnel in the performance of
their official duties.

Concessions, beer, and mixed drinks are available.